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Bücher in der Rubrik Nordamerika

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Bild Lagernummer Titel Autor Jahr Preis
Fisheries+Statistics+of+Canada+1934 18444 Fisheries Statistics of Canada 1934 R.B. Hanson 1935 13,20 €
Fonoti+der+Samoaner 27438 Fonoti der Samoaner Otto Schöndube 1956 5,28 €
Food+of+game+ducks+in+the+united+states+and+canada 24794 Food of game ducks in the united states and canada Martin Uhler 1939 11,88 €
Fresh+water+fishes+and+west+indian+zoography 34963 Fresh water fishes and west indian zoography Myers 1938 7,00 €
General+Information+Regarding+the+territory+of+Alaska 15955 General Information Regarding the territory of Alaska United States Departement of Interiour 1930 24,20 €
Geologic+History+of+the+Yosemite+Valley 14942 Geologic History of the Yosemite Valley Matthes Francois 1930 27,50 €
Geological+Survey+Canada 29304 Geological Survey Canada Department of Mines 1900 18,48 €
Georg+Washington++Ein+Lebensbild+f%C3%BCr+Jung+und+Alt 25657 Georg Washington Ein Lebensbild für Jung und Alt Ferdinand Schmidt 1850 16,50 €
Geschichte+der+Vereinigten+Staaten 1033 Geschichte der Vereinigten Staaten Firmin Roz Camille Recht 1930 11,88 €
Gold++Ein+californisches+Lebensbild 21302 Gold Ein californisches Lebensbild Friedrich Gerstäcker (D. Theden durchg.) 1910 11,88 €
Government+Forest+work++The+forest+Rangers+mottoes++Create++Protect++Restore 20002 Government Forest work The forest Rangers mottoes Create Protect Restore U.S. Departement of Agriculture 1922 19,80 €
Grand+Canyon+all+-+expense+Tours 26597 Grand Canyon all - expense Tours 1930 14,52 €
Guide+to+Washington 22897 Guide to Washington Pennsylvania Railroad 1930 14,52 €
Handbook+of+common+commercial+and+Game+Fishes+of+California 18445 Handbook of common commercial and Game Fishes of California Walford Lionel 1931 33,00 €
Highlights+of+a+Fighting+History+%2860+Years+of+the+CP+USA+%29 25038 Highlights of a Fighting History (60 Years of the CP USA ) Bart Philip, Bassett Theodore 1979 13,20 €
History+of+the+know+nothing+party+in+Maryland+++++The+labadist+colony+in+Maryland 34631 History of the know nothing party in Maryland The labadist colony in Maryland 1899 18,00 €
Im+letzten+Westen++Mit+Trappern%2C+Fischer%2C+Goldsuchern+in+Alaska 14945 Im letzten Westen Mit Trappern, Fischer, Goldsuchern in Alaska Heye Artur 1939 26,40 €
Im+wilden+Norden+Amerikas++1784+-+1812 16873 Im wilden Norden Amerikas 1784 - 1812 Thompson David 1988 5,28 €
Indianer%2C+Freisch%C3%A4rler+und+Goldgr%C3%A4ber+Eine+Erz%C3%A4hlung+aus+dem+V%C3%B6lkerleben+in+Neu-Kalifornien 26644 Indianer, Freischärler und Goldgräber Eine Erzählung aus dem Völkerleben in Neu-Kalifornien Fogowitz 1894 19,80 €
International+Geological+Congress+XVI+session++United+States%2C+1933+Guedebook+12%3A+Excursion+B-7++Southern+Maryland 34050 International Geological Congress XVI session United States, 1933 Guedebook 12: Excursion B-7 Southern Maryland Wythe Cooke 1933 8,00 €
International+Geological+Congress+XVI+session++United+States%2C+1933+Guedebook+15%3A+Excursion+C-1++Southern+California 34047 International Geological Congress XVI session United States, 1933 Guedebook 15: Excursion C-1 Southern California Hoyt S. Gale 1933 18,00 €
International+Geological+Congress+XVI+session++United+States%2C+1933+Guedebook+25%3A+Excursion+C-2++The+Black+Hills 34051 International Geological Congress XVI session United States, 1933 Guedebook 25: Excursion C-2 The Black Hills Cleophas C. O Harra 1932 12,00 €
International+Geological+Congress+XVI+session++United+States%2C+1933+Guedebook+3%3A+Excursion+A-3++Southern+Appalachian+Region 34053 International Geological Congress XVI session United States, 1933 Guedebook 3: Excursion A-3 Southern Appalachian Region Butts, Stose, Joans 1932 20,00 €
International+Geological+Congress+XVI+session++United+States%2C+1933+Guedebook+6%3A+Excursion+A-6++Oklahoma+and+Texas 34052 International Geological Congress XVI session United States, 1933 Guedebook 6: Excursion A-6 Oklahoma and Texas Wrather 1933 15,00 €
Investigations+upon+the+deterioration+of+nets+in+Lake+Erie 16049 Investigations upon the deterioration of nets in Lake Erie Robertson Wright 1930 6,60 €
Joseph+in+Egypt++2+Volumes 35819 Joseph in Egypt 2 Volumes Thomas Mann (H.T. Lowe Porter Translator) 1938 34,00 €
Key+Largo+City++South+Sea+Isles+of+America 27468 Key Largo City South Sea Isles of America Key Latgo City Properties 1926 24,20 €
Kl%C3%A4nge+vom+Hudson 33360 Klänge vom Hudson Benignus, Hermann Wilhelm 1901 162,00 €
Klondike+Mike+An+Alaskan+Odyssey 35034 Klondike Mike An Alaskan Odyssey Merrill Denison 1943 18,00 €
Konferenz+zum+120+Geburtstags+Thomas+Manns+in+Riga 1904 Konferenz zum 120 Geburtstags Thomas Manns in Riga . 1995 3,96 €