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Bücher in der Rubrik Baltikum, Lettland, Estland

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Tartu+%C3%9Clikooli+juures+oleva+Looduduuriate+Seltsi+Aruanded+Toimetanud++Annales+Societatis+rebus+naturae+investigandis+en+Universitate+Tartuensi+Constitutae++XLI+%283-4%29 31254 Tartu Ülikooli juures oleva Looduduuriate Seltsi Aruanded Toimetanud Annales Societatis rebus naturae investigandis en Universitate Tartuensi Constitutae XLI (3-4) 1935 9,24 €
Tartu+%C3%9Clikooli+juures+oleva+Looduduuriate+Seltsi+Aruanded+Toimetanud++Annales+Societatis+rebus+naturae+investigandis+en+Universitate+Tartuensi+Constitutae++XLII+%281-2%29 31255 Tartu Ülikooli juures oleva Looduduuriate Seltsi Aruanded Toimetanud Annales Societatis rebus naturae investigandis en Universitate Tartuensi Constitutae XLII (1-2) 1935 14,52 €
Tartu+%C3%9Clikooli+juures+oleva+Looduduuriate+Seltsi+Aruanded+Toimetanud++Annales+Societatis+rebus+naturae+investigandis+en+Universitate+Tartuensi+Constitutae++XLIII+%281-2%29 31257 Tartu Ülikooli juures oleva Looduduuriate Seltsi Aruanded Toimetanud Annales Societatis rebus naturae investigandis en Universitate Tartuensi Constitutae XLIII (1-2) 1937 18,48 €
Tartu+%C3%9Clikooli+juures+oleva+Looduduuriate+Seltsi+Aruanded+Toimetanud++Annales+Societatis+rebus+naturae+investigandis+en+Universitate+Tartuensi+Constitutae++XLIV+%281-2%29 31259 Tartu Ülikooli juures oleva Looduduuriate Seltsi Aruanded Toimetanud Annales Societatis rebus naturae investigandis en Universitate Tartuensi Constitutae XLIV (1-2) Lippmaa, Markus, Siegfried, Rühl 1938 14,52 €
Tartu+%C3%9Clikooli+juures+oleva+Looduduuriate+Seltsi+Aruanded+Toimetanud++Annales+Societatis+rebus+naturae+investigandis+en+Universitate+Tartuensi+Constitutae++XLIV+%283-4%29 31260 Tartu Ülikooli juures oleva Looduduuriate Seltsi Aruanded Toimetanud Annales Societatis rebus naturae investigandis en Universitate Tartuensi Constitutae XLIV (3-4) 1939 18,48 €
Tartu+%C3%9Clikooli+Lengute+a+praktiliste+t%C3%B6%C3%B6de+kava++Programme+des+cours+et+des+Travaux+Pratiques+de+l+Universite+de+Tartu 31318 Tartu Ülikooli Lengute a praktiliste tööde kava Programme des cours et des Travaux Pratiques de l Universite de Tartu 1939 16,50 €
Taschen+-+Notiz+-+Kalender+f%C3%BCr+1937 27642 Taschen - Notiz - Kalender für 1937 1936 9,24 €
T%C3%A4tigkeitsbericht+%C3%BCber+die+Zeit+vom+23.Mai+1923+bis+30.Juni+1925+vorgelegt+dem+Zweiten+Kongre%C3%9F+der+Sozialistischen+Arbeiter-Internationale+in+Marseille%2C+22.+bis+27.August+1925++Deutsche+Ausgabe 35793 Tätigkeitsbericht über die Zeit vom 23.Mai 1923 bis 30.Juni 1925 vorgelegt dem Zweiten Kongreß der Sozialistischen Arbeiter-Internationale in Marseille, 22. bis 27.August 1925 Deutsche Ausgabe Sekretariat des SAI 1925 22,00 €
Texte+%C3%BCber+Kunst+und+Architektur+Band+1++Kunstschreibung+in+Estland+von+1777+bis+1863 21419 Texte über Kunst und Architektur Band 1 Kunstschreibung in Estland von 1777 bis 1863 Keevallik, Loodus, Viiroja 19,80 €
Texte+%C3%BCber+Kunst+und+Architektur+Band+3++Kunstschreibung+in+Estland+von+1900+bis+1918 21420 Texte über Kunst und Architektur Band 3 Kunstschreibung in Estland von 1900 bis 1918 Keevallik, Loodus, Viiroja 19,80 €
The+Amber+Republic 15570 The Amber Republic Mihailovs 1976 6,60 €
The+Baltic+and+International+Maritime+Conference++Baltwhite+Timber+Scheme++Minimum+Rates+of+Freight+in+the+Baltic+and+White+Sea+Timber+Trades+for+Deals%2C+Battens+and+Boards+Props%2C+Pulpwood%2C+Sleepers%2C+Kappbaulks 31510 The Baltic and International Maritime Conference Baltwhite Timber Scheme Minimum Rates of Freight in the Baltic and White Sea Timber Trades for Deals, Battens and Boards Props, Pulpwood, Sleepers, Kappbaulks The Baltic and International Maritime Conference 1936 11,88 €
The+Baltic+States++A+Reference+Book 26118 The Baltic States A Reference Book 1991 9,24 €
The+Baltic+States++A+Reference+Book 16022 The Baltic States A Reference Book . 1991 9,24 €
The+effect+of+Hyperthyroidisation+on+the+Plumage+of+Carnivorous+Birds 36142 The effect of Hyperthyroidisation on the Plumage of Carnivorous Birds Bralis 1931 7,00 €
The+family+as+the+Tradition+Carrier++Conference+Proceedings+two+volumes 17845 The family as the Tradition Carrier Conference Proceedings two volumes Rüütel Kuutma 1996 18,48 €
The+Hansa+Town+Riga+as+Mediator+between+East+and+West++Proceedings+of+an+international+scientific+conference+dedicated+to+70+years+of+archaeological+research+in+Riga+held+in+Riga%2C+Latvia%2C+on+23+-+25+September+2008 33157 The Hansa Town Riga as Mediator between East and West Proceedings of an international scientific conference dedicated to 70 years of archaeological research in Riga held in Riga, Latvia, on 23 - 25 September 2008 Andris Caune Ieva Ose 2009 22,00 €
The+Isopotency+of+generally+Homologous+Parts+of+the+body+in+the+crayfish 36154 The Isopotency of generally Homologous Parts of the body in the crayfish Zalpeter 1927 6,00 €
The+Journal+of+the+Royal+Geographical+Society+of+London++Volume+the+Fifteenth++Part+1 35562 The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London Volume the Fifteenth Part 1 Schomburgk, Haine, Grey 1845 180,00 €
The+Latvian+Exchange+Club++Nr.+15%2F16 23187 The Latvian Exchange Club Nr. 15/16 Charles Mikelsons Redacteur 1930 15,84 €
The+medical+and+surgical+History+of+the+War+of+the+Rebellion+%281861-65%29++Part+I.+Volume+II.+Surgical+History 36388 The medical and surgical History of the War of the Rebellion (1861-65) Part I. Volume II. Surgical History General Joseph K. Barnes 1870 110,00 €
The+medical+and+surgical+History+of+the+War+of+the+Rebellion+%281861-65%29+Part+III.+Volume+II.+Surgical+History 36389 The medical and surgical History of the War of the Rebellion (1861-65) Part III. Volume II. Surgical History General Joseph K. Barnes 1883 125,00 €
The+Nordic+-+Baltic+Organ+Book 21446 The Nordic - Baltic Organ Book Frisk, Jullander, McCrea 2003 49,50 €
The+Oil+-+Shale+Industry+of+Estonia 33203 The Oil - Shale Industry of Estonia Paul N. Kogerman 1927 37,40 €
The+oil+shale+industry+of+Estonia 8532 The oil shale industry of Estonia Kogermann 1927 18,48 €
The+Religious+Philosophy+of+Janis+Rainis++Latvian+Poet 17756 The Religious Philosophy of Janis Rainis Latvian Poet Ziedonis Arvids 1969 19,80 €
The+Republic+of+Esthonia+and+Private+Property 31509 The Republic of Esthonia and Private Property Ernest Fromme 1922 11,88 €
The+Riga+Shipyard+-+100+Years 35299 The Riga Shipyard - 100 Years Jurijs Melkonovs 2013 45,00 €
The+Twins+of+Table+Mountain%3B+A+Ghost+of+the+Sierras%3B+Views+from+a+German+Spion%3B+Peter+Schroeder%3B+Cadet+Grey 36511 The Twins of Table Mountain; A Ghost of the Sierras; Views from a German Spion; Peter Schroeder; Cadet Grey Bret Harte 1879 25,00 €
Trinket+nur+Tee+%22Kreml%22++Echte+russische+Mischung++Verlanget+%C3%BCberall 19664 Trinket nur Tee "Kreml" Echte russische Mischung Verlanget überall . 1930 11,88 €